We're happy to announce that users now can discuss designs and mention each other in branches in Sympli Versions!
We know how having different channels (group chats, direct chats, emails, you name it!) spread the context about design decisions and can be cumbersome to track. So we decided to add Discussions to add transparency and a single place to, well, discuss your team's design changes.
Update the Sympli Versions App to start using this feature!
Discussion is the first step in effort to provide you with the in-built design review process. In the upcoming months, we will roll out support for branch statuses, review, and approvals, all conveniently gathered in the new notification center. For example, you will be able to mark your branches with "ready for review" status and your teammates can approve changes before merging them to the main branch. Stay tuned!
How to use discussions in Sympli Versions
If you want to try it, just open any branch in the Sympli Versions app — your new Activity tab will open automatically. This is the one tab that will hold all your changes, commits, and comments.

Leave a comment or a mention, click "Send" and get your communication going. The person that you've mentioned will automatically get an email notification.

You can delete or copy a comment if you like, and you can unsubscribe from all discussions by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in the notification e-mail. Note that for now, you can't re-subscribe (this is coming in the future updates).

This is it, simple and easy!
Keep in mind the limitations of the current version of Discussions:
- Messages are deleted permanently, there is no undo.
- If you delete the branch, you'll not be able to see the messages from that branch.
- The maximum length of the message is 5000 characters.
- Once you unsubscribe from the notifications you will not be able to subscribe back.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Learn more on how discussions work in our Help
Sympli is a Saas company that creates tools for design collaboration, handoff, and version control. With more than 5 years on the market, we had helped thousands of designers and developers work together by providing a single source of truth and reducing back-and-forth communications, resulting in faster delivery.